I want to change the name of this application, but i don't find any suitable name for it, so i'm open to any name suggestion.
The reason for name changes is the similarity with nikon Camera Control pro, just matter of time when Nikon will try to block the NCC name.
I search for a simple name, but not something like CameraRemote or DSLR remote or something similar.
In this version are a lot of changes, not all feature are very well tested so may appear some now bugs.
I wan thanks for testing and for suggestions to : Billy Baheux, Jyi Offerd, Martin Lopatka, Papp Istvan, Martin Joergensen and all NCC users and testers.
fixed memory usage: this is a breaking change. To work with raw files on system should be installed a raw codec like Microsoft Camera Codec Pack or NEF Codec (after install one of this codec don't forget to restart your computer)
command line support, is a separated executable in installation folder CameraControlCmd.exe, and the command line parameters are:
/help - this screen /capture - capture photo /capturenoaf - capture photo without autofocus /captureall - capture photo with all connected devices /captureallnoaf - capture photo without autofocus with all connected devices /session session_name - use session [session_name] /preset preset_name - use preset [session_name] /folder path - set the photo save folder /filename filename - set the photo save file name template /counter number - set the photo initial counter /wait - after done wait for a key press
refactored time lapse
Normal time lapse (the time lapse it self not that good, but for example enough)
Same time lapse using this settings :
I redesigned the time lapse interface too, for more simple control and the precision of the capturing fixed now all pictures are captured in same period.
progress bar for downloading picture progress
button in main window to capture without auto focus